Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Week 5

Today we planned our math lessons for Richmond Elementary School.

I am in a group of five from class and we will be teaching a couple groups of 6-7 6th grade students.

We planned a lesson with varied manipulatives about forming and solving equations/expressions using order of operations.

We also explored the 4th floor of the library where we can check out TONS of curriculum materials to use for our future lessons.

The next thing is to design a mathematical puzzle that we will bring to class and trade with each other in order to solve:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 3

We started class with a partner math card game called Bull's Eye (we also thought of some other fun names for the game)
-we had to + - x or divide to equal the "bull's eye" number (card value).

Here is a rubric I made on for a math lesson I found on

Pretty neat lessons and rubric resources!!

 We also spent time in partners evaluating a math website and filled out a eval. form.  My partner and I went on and found the site very helpful, motivating, and easy to use for beginner multiplication students learning math facts 0-12.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 2

Today we spent class time doing a variety of readings and activities.

We played with Geo-Boards

-angles, radius, circumference, shapes, time
-classroom management: those that don't appropriately use, take away and they use electronic device as their geo-board (it's not as fun!)

We did a group activity using wiki docs

-we planned carpooling for us to get to the beach with the best gas milage and distance
-appropriate for 4th graders to do an activity like this (algebra/problem solving standards)

A theme that continues to arise and is important in the 21st century with technology as an integral part of life and such a quick and easy accessible source, we all need to remember Digital Citizenship.
Teachers, Administrators, Students, etc.

Digital Citizenship as a teacher

Digital Citizenship as a student